There are numerous ways to get money in World of Warcraft Classic Burning Crusade! You can use the auction house to sell items, run dungeons, and defeat opponents, among other things. If you're sick of the lengthy and tedious farming procedure, you can also get WOW TBC Classic Gold with real-world currency! Selecting the appropriate profession is also critical for earning money in Burning Crusade Classic.

Introduction to WOW TBC's Classic Professions
Professions are classified into four broad categories: production, service, gathering, and other. Production Professions brings together Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Cooking, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring, all of which need players to create powerful goods that can be equipped or exchanged.
Service Professions brings together the Enchanting and First Aid professions, which enable the player to produce products that benefit other people. Gathering Professions concludes the Herbalism, Mining, Skinning, and Fishing professions, which let players to acquire resources necessary for the creation of great trade products. Apart from these professions, horseback riding, poisons, and pickpocketing are also included!
WOW TBC Classic's Best Gold-Earning Professions
Professions in the S-Tier – Jewelcrafting
Jewelcrafting is a new profession in TBC Classic that enables players to cut expensive gems and make speciality items that many players will frequently require. The Jewelcrafting profession is renowned as the best for gold production. It enables players to attach'sockets' to certain pieces of gear that may be filled with Gems to boost the stats of the piece of gear. Gems, particularly amazing ones, sell well in Jewelcrafting. You can also make some valuable goods, such as the "Necklace of the Deep," and then sell them for gold at a high price on the Auction House.

Professions of the A-Tier — Alchemy, Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning
Alchemy — Alchemy is a gold-earning A-tier profession. Alchemists can produce potent Potions, Elixirs, and Flasks, as well as perform Transmutations to create reagents for other professions. For instance, if you transform the Primal Might, many individuals will be prepared to pay a significant amount of cash to obtain them.
Herbalism - Herbalism enables you to collect a variety of plants and herbs for a variety of purposes, including the creation of flasks and potions through alchemy. Herbalism can be a fantastic way to obtain Classic TBC Gold through the sale of raw ingredients.
Mining - If you are an adept at mining, you can collect ore and gems from ore nodes and process them into bars that can be utilized in a variety of professions, including blacksmithing, engineering, alchemy, and enchantment. Miners can also use the Find Minerals spell to locate nearby ore that can be sold for gold.
Skinning – Skinning – The materials for the skinning profession come directly to you, and you can pick up some extra value when slaughtering Beast mobs of all kinds. And when combined with Leatherworking, you have a combination that can be used to manufacture a variety of quite useful goods and earn a lot of money.