What is the deal? If you sew your preyer book, insted of ordinary preyers, you'll have preyers of the preyer publication of your own god. Holy Might:Increses your power by 20%. Mithril Skin:Increses your defense by 20%. Robin Hood preyer:Increses your ranged from 20%. Protect more items:Keeps two extra items OSRS gold when you die. Enchante pickaxe:Increses chance of getting ore by 25%. Master cook Preyer:Decreses possibility of burning by 25%. Burn of nature:Increses your speed of producing a fire by 25%. Enchante axe:Increses odds of receiving logs by 25%. Confuse fish:Increses likelihood of becoming fish by 25 percent. Dragon Skin:Increses shield by 25%. Lore of the Spells:Increses magical by 25%. Preyer of those arrows:Increses ranged from 25%. Protect even more items:Keeps three additional things when you die. Guthix:Mining, Cooking, Firemaking, Woodcutting and fishing all add up to 200. Zammrok:Attack, Strength and hitpoints must all add up to 120.
OK everyone knows that the black market trade of gold and the indrect problems it trigger (autoers) is a primary concern for Jagex plus a difficulty they've been fighting for ages with very limited success. My suggestion isn't really new, but it's slightly modified to decrease the negative outcomes of it's implementation, but it centers around the idea that Runescape 2107 gold Jagex should sell gold to undermine the black market gold industry to create it so there's reduced profits for gold sellers reducing their incentive to sell Runescape gold and so decreasing their desire to use autoers and cut back the game play for some other players.
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