When you talk about marketing for your brands or business organizations then you need to understand that marketing is not just about running promotions or advertising but in fact it about creating brand awareness and keeping your target audience engaged effectively to create a strong relationship with the target audience. Now, even if you know how to create a wikipedia page for an artist then that artist will also be able to create awareness about himself and this is exactly how you can also create brand awareness through wikis as well. What other reasons might be there for creating and using wikis?
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Personally, I'm always for YouTube, but this is my personal opinion. Because, it seems to me, advertising works very well here, and the whole promotion process is involved together. But there are other variations of https://zelios.agency/youtube-vs-vimeo/ services, where you will have the opportunity to quickly advance in your niche. For this reason, you just have to remember how cool it is and not worry about it for a second. Still, it's great when you can experiment.